Information about the disposable email domain:

This page provides information about the email domain, including its DNS records.

To explore information about other disposable email domains, you can visit this page.

General information

Email domain name:

Email domain is disposable: yes

Fraud risk: high

Domain creation date: 2008-12-20T14:54:35Z

Domain update date: 2023-12-13T12:11:13Z

Domain expiration date: 2024-12-20T14:54:35Z

Domain registrar and registrant information

Domain registrar name : Mesh Digital Limited

Domain registrar id: 1390

Domain registrant name: NA

Domain registrant organisation: NA

Domain registrant country ISO code: NA

DNS domain information

MX records (mail exchange)


DNS TXT records: NA

DNS NS record:,,

DNS CNAME record: NA

Related email domains

No known related email domains.