Fingerprinting attributes
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This page lists different attributes frequently used in browser fingerprinting.
This includes attributes such as the timezone, information about the GPU (gathered with the WebGL API) and the list of plugins. For each of them, you can view some of the most common values. More attributes are coming soon.- timezone
- languages
- platform
- webGLVendor
- webGLRenderer
- webGPUAdapterInfo
- GPUDeviceLimits
- plugins
- hardwareConcurrency
- deviceMemory
- mimeTypes
- language
- speechSynthesisVoices.defaultVoice
- canvas
- audioFingerprint
- architecture
- bitness
- model
- headers.sec-ch-ua
- headers.sec-ch-ua-platform
- headers.User-Agent
- headers.Accept-Encoding
- headers.Accept
- headers.sec-ch-ua-full-version-list
- headers.sec-fetch-site
- headers.sec-fetch-mode
- headers.sec-fetch-dest
- headers.sec-ch-ua-arch
- headers.sec-ch-device-memory
- headers.sec-ch-ua-model