Correlation between attribute anyHover and browserName

This page shows the correlation between values of the anyHover and browserName attributes. The left column contains values linked to anyHover while the top columns contain values linked to browserName. Each cell contains three values:
  1. In green the number of fingerprints linked to humans;
  2. In red the number of fingerprints linked to bots;
  3. In black (between parenthesis) the total number of fingerprints.

Note that the bot detection heuristic applied is basic. Thus, it's possible to have bots classified as human traffic. Moreover, the cells with a significant number of fingerprints have a yellow background to make them more visible.
ChromeFirefoxEdgeMobile SafariSafariOperaLinkedInYandexSamsung InternetChrome WebViewPuffinChrome HeadlessnullGSAWeChatChromiumIEFacebookWebKitDuckDuckGoAndroid BrowserSogou ExplorerPaleMoonHuawei BrowserVivaldiSnapchatElectron
undefined1757, 31 (1788)410, 4 (414)151, 0 (151)87, 1 (88)114, 0 (114)22, 0 (22)36, 0 (36)14, 0 (14)6, 0 (6)1, 0 (1)4, 3 (7)6, 1 (7)3, 0 (3)3, 0 (3)2, 0 (2)1, 0 (1)1, 0 (1)
["hover","any"]1676, 307 (1983)288, 45 (333)112, 8 (120)9, 14 (23)72, 17 (89)28, 3 (31)2, 0 (2)7, 2 (9)9, 2 (11)1, 0 (1)0, 1 (1)1, 1 (2)0, 1 (1)0, 1 (1)0, 1 (1)0, 3 (3)0, 1 (1)2, 0 (2)1, 0 (1)
["none"]227, 225 (452)29, 6 (35)6, 13 (19)133, 4 (137)15, 25 (40)8, 4 (12)20, 0 (20)4, 0 (4)3, 1 (4)1, 10 (11)13, 0 (13)0, 3 (3)0, 2 (2)6, 0 (6)0, 9 (9)0, 3 (3)0, 3 (3)1, 0 (1)1, 0 (1)0, 1 (1)1, 0 (1)0, 1 (1)
[]4, 0 (4)2, 0 (2)
["hover"]6, 0 (6)