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Investigating the Selenium Chrome mode of Open Bullet 2

This is the fourth article of the series about Open Bullet 2. In the previous article, we studied the Puppeteer mode of Open Bullet. We showed that Open Bullet 2 relies on PuppeteerExtraSharp, which can be detected because of inconsistencies, such as device signals that are different in a web worker compared to the main JS execution context

In this article, we focus on the Selenium Chrome mode of Open Bullet 2. We create a simple bot based on it to study its fingerprint and see how it can be detected.

Creating a Selenium-Chrome-based bot in Open Bullet 2

First, we need to set the Chrome path for Selenium in the RuriLib Settings panel, cf the screenshot below.

Then, we create a new configuration and edit it using the Stacker panel. The configuration looks as follows:

Our Selenium-Chrome-based bot does the following:

  1. Create a browser instance using the Selenium function block;
  1. Navigate to https://deviceandbrowserinfo.com/are_you_a_bot;
  1. We wait 2s;
  1. Get the value of window.fingerprint using the Execute JS block;
  1. Get the value of the bot detection using the Execute JS block;
  1. Close the browser instance.

We see that by default, Open Bullet 2 used with Selenium Chrome (headless) is properly detected as a bot.

  "isBot": true,
  "details": {
    "hasBotUserAgent": true,
    "hasWebdriverTrue": true,
    "hasWebdriverInFrameTrue": true,
    "hasInconsistentChromeObject": false,
    "isPhantom": false,
    "isNightmare": false,
    "isSequentum": false,
    "isSeleniumChromeDefault": false,
    "isHeadlessChrome": false,
    "isWebGLInconsistent": false,
    "isAutomatedWithCDP": true,
    "isAutomatedWithCDPInWebWorker": false,
    "hasInconsistentClientHints": false,
    "hasInconsistentGPUFeatures": false,
    "isIframeOverridden": false,
    "hasInconsistentWorkerValues": false

Open bullet is detected for several reasons:

  • By default, the user agent is the one of headless Chrome: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) HeadlessChrome/127.0.6533.119 Safari/537.36 ;
  • We observe the presencenavigator.webdriver = true ;

Note that we could have made our Selenium Chrome bot non-headless, which would have avoid the user agent detection, but wouldn’t have impacted the other signals.

Can we make the bot stealthier?

In a previous article, we already discussed how we can adapt a vanilla Selenium Chrome to make it more difficult to detect. In particular, here we’d like to modify it to:

  • Get rid of the Headless Chrome user agent;
  • navigator.webdriver = true

The usual way to change the user agent is to provide the --user-agent= flag when starting Chrome. Regarding navigator.webdriver , we can disable it using the --disable-blink-features=AutomationControlled flag.

Open Bullet 2 provides two mechanisms to provide arguments to the browser:

  1. In the Config settings panel, cf screenshot below, where there is a Command line arguments option.
  1. In Extra Cmd Line Args of the Open Browser block.

None of these solutions worked. It seems that Open Bullet 2 doesn’t handle the command line arguments string properly, cf below where we see that the two flags are inserted into the user agent. Note that I tried with/without quotes, escaping characters, etc. None of the options worked.

	"userAgent":"testuseragent --disable-blink-features=AutomationControlled",

I think there might be a bug in the way Open Bullet 2 handles these additional command line arguments. If we look at the .NET code that handle the command line arguments, we see the following:

It passes the args string to chromeop.AddArgument . I’m not a .NET expert, but according to Claude Sonnet (LLM), “The AddArgument method is used to add a single command-line argument to the ChromeOptions object.”

However, here, we’re trying to add ≥ 2 arguments:

  1. The first to change the user agent;
  1. The second to remove navigator.webdriver = true .

Another possibility could be to change the user agent and remove navigator.webdriver from JavaScript. However, it may have detectable side effects, and I decided not to pursue in this direction. At some point, certain changes to avoid detection are to cumbersome to do from Open Bullet 2 and require access to the code of the underlying framework (here Selenium).

Similarly, it would have been difficult/cumbersome to lie about the CDP detection.


Contrary to the puppeteer mode of Open Bullet 2 that relies on PuppeteerExtraSharp, a modified version of Puppeteer, the Selenium mode uses the vanilla Selenium library, which doesn’t have any anti-detect feature.

Thus, when used in Headless mode with Selenium, Open Bullet 2 can be easily detected using a wide range of techniques, such as the detection of navigator.webdriver = true and the side effects of the CDP automation.

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